The New Advanced Listing Tool

The Advanced Listing tool will now be available
for all sellers.

Advanced Listing Tool FAQ

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  • What is the new Advanced Listing tool?

    The new Advanced Listing tool is the latest version of the form sellers use to list an item. It's similar to the previous listing tool, with some feature and design changes to simplify the selling experience.

  • What's new about the Advanced Listing tool?

    We've included several new features to help you easily list and sell your items:

    • Upload photos in the background while completing your listing form
    • Create multi-variation listings with fewer clicks
    • Streamlined design
  • Who will have access to the Advanced Listing tool?

    The new tool will be available to all sellers who have selected the Advanced Listing tool as their default listing method.

  • Why is eBay changing the listing tool?

    We're always looking for ways to simplify the listing process and make it possible to list items in fewer steps.

    Sellers who switched to the new Advanced Listing tool during our pilot listed faster and saw higher sales. We're continuing to improve the tool based on seller feedback.

  • Some features are missing. Where are they?

    We've discontinued a few features, including visitor counter, photo watermarks, and listing designer.

  • What happened to the visitor counter?

    Use of the visitor counter has been on the decline, and hasn't been shown to improve selling success. Instead of including this tool, we've decided to focus on other features that are likely to make a greater impact on sales.

  • What happened to photo watermarks?

    Use of photo watermarks has been on the decline, and has not been shown to improve selling success. Additionally, we've changed our images and text policy, which eliminates the need to include photo watermarks.

  • What happened to the listing designer?

    We're not including the listing designer because use has been declining, and it hasn't been shown to positively impact selling success. Instead, we are focusing on enhancing other features, which have been proven to help items sell. Sellers can instead modify the appearance of their listings with the new Advanced listing tool.

  • What is "Prefill this listing with eBay catalogue info"?

    When you select this option, we'll fill in your product description and item specifics using details from eBay's catalogue. Or, you can uncheck the box to add your own description and item specifics.

  • What happened to my templates?

    Previously created templates do not carry over to the new Advanced Listing tool, but you can recreate these templates in a few steps:

    1. Go to My eBay.
    2. Beside the listing you'd like to use as a template, select Relist or Revise.
    3. Select Save as a template on the confirmation page.

    To make the listing process fast and easy, you can now save up to 50 templates.

  • Why can't I list in certain categories?

    Currently, the Advanced Listing tool does not support listings in the Real Estate category.

  • Why isn't my standard information pre-filled?

    You'll only have to fill in your information the first time you use the tool. From there, we'll save it and pre-fill your details for future use.

  • Why are there fewer options to edit my description?

    We love hearing your feedback about what's working and what can be improved. Use the Send us your feedback link in the listing tool to send in your suggestions.

  • I would like to go back to my old listing tool.

    Unfortunately, we will no longer support the old listing tool. The new Advanced Listing tool will be supported with all of the new site updates and policies.

    All features should be available in the new tool, including templates and support for multi-variation listings and business policies, with more features to come. If you wish to request more features, please send us your suggestions using the Send us your feedback link in the tool.