
Whatever you’re buying—large or small,
new or refurbished—eBay offers many ways
to ensure you get exactly what you want.

eBay Money Back Guarantee

Get the item you ordered or your money
back—it’s that simple.

Our eBay Money Back Guarantee applies to virtually everything on our site, and
there's no extra fee for coverage. It’s automatic and covers your purchase price plus
original shipping on eligible purchases*. Follow these steps to get your refund.

Contact Your Seller

If an item hasn't arrived or isn't as
described, go to My eBay, select the
item in your purchase history, and reach
out to your seller within 30 days from the actual delivery date or the estimated delivery date.

Not resolved? Let us know.

If you’ve talked to your seller and the
issue still isn’t resolved after 3
business days, contact us.

We’ll get your money back. Fast.

You can count on hearing from us within
48 hours. If the item didn't arrive, didn't
match the description or you didn't get
your refund after returning the item, you
will receive your money back.

*In order to be protected by eBay Money Back Guarantee certain payment methods must be used and all eligibility requirements and deadlines must be met. Certain transactions and article types such as vehicles, real estate, business sales & domains, digital content, industrial equipment or vouchers are not covered. For full terms and conditions, read our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy.

Need to Return
an Item?

It’s easy to do on eBay.

Whatever you’re looking for, millions of
items on eBay are returnable. Before you
buy an item, check the seller’s return
policy, then follow these easy steps to
make a return.


Start Your Return

Select the item you want to return in
your purchase history on My eBay.


Ship the Item Back

If the seller asks, send the item back as
soon as possible using their preferred
return method.


Receive Your Refund

If the seller doesn’t refund your money,
ask eBay to step in and help.

Customer Service

Have a question? Need to resolve an issue? We’re here to help!
Customer service is available seven days a week.