Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro: Frequently Asked Questions

Creating listings from drafts

What are draft listings?
Draft listings allows you to work with multiple listings in phases. For example, you can create multiple drafts with just titles and descriptions, and then save the drafts for someone else to add photos. The drafts appear in the new Draft listings view, where you can save thousands of drafts and revisit them later when it's most convenient for you, or someone else, to continue working on them. You can also select multiple drafts in the Draft listings view and finish them quickly in bulk.
How do I create a draft?
Start a listing using the quick listing tool, the advanced listing tool, or the eBay Mobile App and then save the listing as a draft. You can also create drafts in the bulk listing tool when you use Relist or Sell similar and then save your drafts by clicking the new Save and continue later button in the bulk listing tool. The drafts appear in the new Draft listings view.
How do I finish a draft and publish it as a listing?

To finish drafts, go to the Draft listings view in Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro and do one of the following:

  • In the Action column of a single draft, click the Complete link to finish that one draft.
  • Select one or more listings and click the Complete button. Then finish the drafts and publish them in the bulk listing tool. As soon as you publish a draft, it's removed from the Draft listings view.
How long can I keep a saved draft?
A saved draft will stay in the Draft listings view for up to 30 days, so if you plan to use it to create one or more listings, make sure you publish it within 30 days of when you create it.
How do I select drafts when my Draft listings view has multiple pages?
Select drafts across multiple pages of the Draft listings view without losing your selections from one page to the next. For example, if you select 3 listings on the first page of the Draft listings view, and then go to the next page to select several more listings, you won't lose your selections from the previous page. To help you keep track of how many drafts you've selected as you go from one page to the next, we show you a counter of selected drafts at the top of each page.
How do I keep my Draft listings view organized?
Consider deleting drafts you know you won't use. Trimming down your Draft listings view from time to time will help you to work more efficiently!

Copying listings

Why create a copy of a listing?

If you sell a lot of similar items—using listings that have the same category and the same shipping, return, and payment policies–you can list more efficiently by creating similar listings from a single copy.

For example, if you sell jewellery and you recently received a shipment of 20 different styles of necklaces, you can quickly list the new necklaces using one of your existing listings. Simply select an active listing of a necklace that's similar to the ones you'd like to list and click the Sell Similar button within My eBay, Selling Manager, or Selling Manager Pro. This opens the bulk listing tool, with the copy of the listing you just selected. Since you want to list 20 new necklaces, create 19 copies of the listing, in addition to the copy you just created. Then edit the copies by changing details such as title, price, photos, description, and item specifics to match the items you want to list. You'll save time and effort by creating from copies instead of from scratch.

How do I create a copy of a listing?
  1. Go to My eBay, Selling Manager, or Selling Manager Pro, and then go to your Active, Sold, or Unsold view.
  2. Select the listings you want to copy, and then click the Sell Similar button. This opens the bulk listing tool, with draft copies of the listings you just selected.
  3. Select the copy you just created, click the Create a copy button, and then enter the number of additional copies you want to create. For example, if you want to create a total of 20 copies, select the copy you just created, click the Create a copy button, and then enter 19 to indicate that you want to create 19 copies in addition to the one you just created.

    Note: If the original listing that you copied is using information from the eBay catalogue, consider copying the catalogue information. Do this only if the item you're listing is the same product as the original. Most likely, because you're selling something that's similar, but not exactly the same, you can leave the Copy catalogue product information checkbox cleared. If appropriate, you can also copy photos from the original listing.

  4. Edit the copies you've created to change the values that are different. You can edit in a variety of ways:

    • Edit fields directly in the table.
    • Edit in bulk: Select the copies you want to edit, click the Edit drop-down menu, select the field you want to edit, and then select whether you want to edit the field in bulk for all the listings you selected or for one listing at a time. Then make your changes and click Save.
    • Using the Quick edit mode pane, edit the Title, Item description, and Item specifics fields. To show or hide the Quick edit mode pane, click the appropriate icon next to Customize columns.

    Note: The fields that appear in the Quick edit mode pane are always associated with the highlighted row in the table. Select a different row to view and edit the fields for that listing in the Quick edit mode pane.

  5. Click the Submit button

Editing multiple listings

What is the Quick edit mode pane in the bulk listing tool?

Quick edit mode lets you very quickly and efficiently update the same 3 fields (Title, Item description, and Item specifics) in the bulk listing tool. You can scroll down one listing at a time in the table and in the Quick edit mode pane quickly change the title, item description, item specifics together for that listing, and then move on to the next listing by scrolling to the next row in the table. When creating copies using Sell similar, this is an efficient way to quickly change the values that are most likely to be different in each copy.

To show or hide the Quick edit mode pane, click the appropriate icon next to Customize columns.

Note: The fields that appear in the Quick edit mode pane are always associated with the highlighted row in the table. Select a different row to view and edit the fields for that listing in the Quick edit mode pane.

What are some other ways to edit using the bulk listing tool?

In addition to using the Quick edit mode pane, you can:

  • Edit fields directly in the table in the bulk listing tool.
  • Edit in bulk: Select the copies you want to edit, click the Edit drop-down menu, select the field you want to edit, and then select whether you want to edit the field in bulk for all the listings you selected or for one listing at a time. Then make your changes and click Save.
How do I customize the table in the bulk listing tool?

You can customize the table in the bulk listing tool in the following ways:

  • Customize the columns in the table: Click the Customize columns link. Then add, remove, or rearrange columns. You can also change the default sort order of the rows within the columns.
  • Change the table layout: Click the icons next to the Customize columns link to display the table in full view, in a maximized version of the Quick edit mode pane, or with the standard Quick edit mode pane.

Exporting your listings to a file

How do I save my listings to a file?

If you need an offline catalogue of what you're selling, or a quick checklist of your inventory, follow these steps to export your listings to a spreadsheet or PDF.

  1. Go to My eBay, Selling Manager, or Selling Manager Pro, and then go to your Active, Sold, or Unsold listings view.
  2. Select the listings you want to export to a file.
  3. Click the Action drop-down and then select Export to file.
  4. Select a file format (CSV or PDF) and then click the Export button.