Terms and Conditions

Participating sellers will receive a final value fee credit on items purchased thorugh a unique listing link. To generate this unique listing link, select either "Share Your Link" after completing or revising a listing through eBay's quick listing tool or the "Share Listing" option next to existing listings on My eBay Active, and follow the prompts to share your listing. Buyers must click on and then purchase your item through your unique listing link in order for you to receive a final value fee credit.

Continue reading for more details, terms and conditions, and FAQs.

Terms and Conditions

What is the Promotion?

Sellers will receive a final value fee credit on items purchased through a unique listing link.

You may generate a unique listing link by: (i) selecting the "Share Your Link" prompt available after completing or revising a listing through eBay's quick listing tool; or the "Share Listing" option available next to existing listings on My eBay Active; and (ii) following the prompts to share your listing via one of the available sharing options (the "Promotion").

The final value fee will appear as a credit on your eBay invoice within 30 days of a qualifying sale.

Please note: All existing selling limits on your account (as well as category and item limits) still apply. Listing fees, depending on how many listings you have already created, as well as optional upgrade fees (such as reserve price, subtitle, etc.) may apply; learn more about seller fees, including the number of zero insertion fee listings per month, by viewing our everyday rate plan.

Who's eligible?

This Promotion is available to invited sellers who use eBay's quick listing tool. Only sellers using eBay's quick listing tool will see prompts to "Share Your Link" or "Share Listing".

Summary of Restrictions & Exclusions

  • This Promotion is only valid for final value fee credits. Optional upgrade fees (such as reserve price, subtitle, etc.) as well as any applicable insertion and PayPal fees, may still apply.
  • The Promotion is only valid for the current listing duration. Unique listing link expires at the end of the listing duration, e.g. if your item is listed as a 1-day auction and the auction expires without a sale, the unique link also expires.
  • The Promotion is not available for sellers using listing flows other than eBay's quick listing tool.
  • The Promotion is not available if the unique listing link is shared in any manner on www.ebay.ca, including in your listing description, or on another eBay website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I share my unique link?
When you share your unique listing link on social media, via email, or through another available sharing option, and a buyer purchases your item through that unique link, you will receive a credit back on any final value fee related to the sale.

When will I receive my final value fee credit?
The final value fee will be credited back to your regular eBay invoice within 30 days of a qualifying sale.

What about credits for other fees?
Only final value fees will be credited back to you. Optional upgrade fees (such as reserve price, subtitle, etc.), as well as any applicable insertion and PayPal fees, may still apply.

What if someone purchases my item through a different link I share?
You will not be eligible for the final value fee credit. For example, you will not receive a final value fee credit if your item sells via a link generated by yourself or by finding your listing on www.ebay.ca and directing buyers to your listing.

What if someone in my network purchases my item without clicking on my unique link?
You will not be eligible for the final value fee credit. Make sure to share the unique listing link to your network.

What if someone else shares my unique link?
As the seller who generated the unique link, you will be the one eligible to receive the final value fee credit on any sale of your item.

What if my listing expires?
You will need to relist your item and then re-share your unique listing link. The final value fee credit is only available for the current listing duration. For example, if your item is listed as a 1-day auction and the auction expires without a sale, the unique link also expires.